Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday To My “Baby”

THOUGH YOU ARE GROWN (by Cynthia A. Sieving)


I remember years ago,

you were so little then.

newborn & Dad

Sometimes, I can’t help but wish

that you were small again.


I’ve cried when you’ve faced heartaches,

and saw that as you grew,

17 months

nothing broke your Spirit,

instead it strengthened you. 

age 4

I’m filled with mixed emotions,

as I hold back all the tears,

age 6

and with much pride remember,

back so many years. 

Pippi Longstocking
When I first held you in my arms,

if only I’d have known,

10th birthday E

the years would feel like moments,

after you had grown.

NEHI homecoming (C&E)

You aren’t a child,

though in my eyes,

scan0001 (2) C&E 

I guess  you’ll always be,

that baby girl who changed my life,

and means the world to me.

 Tampa Bay Times 5-8-09 R Photo credit: Luis Santana, Tampa Bay Times


 Happy 27th birthday to my “Baby Girl” !

I love you with all of my heart and soul.





  1. bwaaaaaaa....I feel the same way about my kids and now....my grandkids. bwaaaaaaaa
    Happy Birthday to your baby.

  2. Wow - does that bring back memories. My baby girl will be 46 and my son 48. I started young. LOL Had my son at 19 and my DD at 21. Love your blog.

    Love on those fur babies for me.


  3. Oh Shari,

    This post brought tears to my eyes.
    It does seem like yesterday. They grow so fast. Wish Kelly a happy birthday for me!!


  4. Hi Shari !
    Your daughter is so beautiful ! 27 ?? You do not look old enough to have a 27 year old !!!! My oldest will be 21 shortly - time flys ! I really loved your post and will have to think of doing this for my babies too !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  5. What a lovely Birthday Tribute! Your daughter is a beautiful young lady and what great photos of her growing up. Mary

  6. What a beautiful post! That poem brought tears to my eyes...

  7. this brought tears, I feel the same about wishing they were young again, my 14 year old seems so grown up

    lovely lovely post


  8. Lovely memories Happy B day!..
    Beautiful blog..!
    Thank You Denise
    PS Forgot to mention an elderly shabby artisan,one of the first is having an estate sale her roses are heavenly.I took pics for her and posted on my blog with her contact information.

  9. Shari she looks just like you. What a beauty. Happy Birthday to your daughter.

  10. Now I'm crying! What a precious post! Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  11. That brought tears to my eyes reading it. I, too, have a most beautiful daughter, my best friend and gift from God. She is 26 - a year younger than your treasure.

    Bless you!

  12. Our daughters are so special, I couldn't agree with your thoughts more. Enjoy!!!!!

  13. This is a beautiful post. Children are so special and such a blessing. I don't have any daughters, but I have been blessed with one son who is now 17yrs - just love him.

    Happy (belated) birthday wishes to your daughter.

    Cioa for now,
    Elena :)

  14. What a lovely tribute to your sweet daughter and the way you line up the pictures of her growing up thru the years. You have a very beautiful daughter to be proud of. I think your a special mom too.
