Sunday, July 26, 2009

Flowers In a Flute

How do you transform one small bunch of flowers from the grocery store…
and one inexpensive champagne flute glass from Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, or even the thrift store…

IMG_2161 C&E

into a 5 minute Metamorphosis Monday project?
Cut the stems of flowers from your bouquet very short and pull off all the leaves below the water line, which is going to basically be all of the leaves.  Arrange the flowers in the champagne flute.  This takes absolutely no flower arranging skills at all.  Really!  The secret is cutting the stems short enough so most of the flowers sit right above the rim of the flute in a mound…like a scoop of ice cream sitting on an ice cream cone. 
In this arrangement, you can see I have a couple carnations on the left that should have been trimmed a little shorter.

IMG_2128 CR&E

This is so quick, easy and inexpensive.  For less than $10.00 you have an arrangement that looks far more expensive just because the sleek lines of the champagne flute give it an elegant presence. 
When I was working, I would often take one of these arrangements to the office on Monday for my  desk.  Then on Wednesday afternoon, I would surprise one of my co-workers by passing it to them so they could enjoy it on their desk for the remainder of the work week. 
These simple arrangements also make a nice little  hostess gift. 
IMG_2142 (C&E)
One small bunch of flowers from the grocery store…$4.99
One inexpensive champagne flute glass…usually less than $3.99.
Putting a smile on the face of a “Flowers In a Flute”  recipient…


For more Metamorphosis Monday transformations, check out  Between Naps on the Porch !

met monday



  1. Great job! I have never been able to arrange flowers worth a darn!

  2. This is the sweetest little arrangement. I love it!

  3. How pretty! Glad to learn your "secret" to this, too. I'm going to try that next time I buy a bunch of flowers from the grocery store!

  4. Simple, and lovely.
    Thanks Shari.

    barbara jean

  5. Very Pretty my friend...I love that you passed on on...May you have a great week my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. How sweet this arrangement is and how sweet to share with your co-workers!

  7. Great idea. I often see pretty flutes at GW .. should buy them to use as vases. Hadn't thought of that!!

  8. This is a great looking little arrangement. It would be cute to put one at each place setting at a ladies brunch. Thanks.

  9. Sheri, such a pretty little arrangement! I love it! It is so cherry and lovely to look at! Love the name, flowers in a flute! I saw the title and thought..uh we go! ha!

    Thanks for sharing!


  10. So pretty! Thanks for the tip - I just may have to buy myself a bouquet. :)

    Have a great week!


  11. Hi Sheri !
    Love the flower arrangement tutorial ! So nice and pretty !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  12. How pretty!! Thanks for the tip.
    Have a great week.

  13. What a fun post! I love the short tutorial AND great grace lesson.

    I would imagine you have to be one of the favorites at work; what a lovely thoughtful gesture.

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  14. Priceless, Indeed!
    Thank you for this great tip!
    I'm headed to TJ Max tomorrow.
    or Ross!

  15. Great idea with the champagne flute! I have so many of those and really don't use them to drink out of so flowers are a nice idea.

  16. Just beautiful, I'm buying myself some flowers when I get groceries today. Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. I love flowers in the house! great mini met.

  18. Cute idea of the bouquet in the flute and I love all the pink too!

  19. Your flower are pretty and so is the arrangement on the table.. Very Nice!!

  20. That is so pretty and sounds so simple! Hugs ~cindy s~

  21. Priceless for sure! Simply beautiful!

  22. You are always so creative and your pictures so beautiful.

    What a pretty project. :0)

    I hope you have a wonderful week!


  23. Very pretty! I am usually hopeless at arranging flowers, but your tips make it seem so easy.

  24. What a great idea in arranging flowers in a champagne flute glass. And how sweet to pass it along to your co-workers. That sure would make my day!
