Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ooooops! We Weren’t Expecting THAT!

I guess when you buy a house it’s normal  for unexpected problems  to pop up.
Even if you have the house inspected by a certified house inspector prior to purchase, like we did,  there are bound to be a few surprises.
Our first surprise at the house in Hooterville arose a mere 24 hours after we became the new owners. 
No water! 
Oooops!  We weren’t expecting THAT!
This city girl is accustomed to turning on the faucets and getting city water any time of the day or night.  Now that I’m going to be living in the country, I guess I have to get use to our water coming from a well…and apparently a problem with the well pump can  affect my ability to have water whenever I want it.   Hmmm…who knew? 
Hubby made his first trip (of about 6 since Friday)  to Lowe’s to buy a pressure switch to fix the well pump.
Then one of the toilets started leaking. 
Oooops!    We weren’t expecting THAT!
Hubby went back to Lowes for more parts but ultimately decided that since there are two other bathrooms in the house, he would just turn the leaking toilet off and repair it later.
Once I started stripping the wallpaper in the breakfast room, I discovered a second wallpaper pattern (stripes) under the solid blue paper. 
Oooops!  I wasn’t expecting THAT!
Since stripping wallpaper is one of my favorite projects  (NOT!), I was a little disheartened  to find TWO layers needed removing instead of just one.


Then we removed some decorative wood “shingles” under the bay window and found mildew and rotted wallboard. 
Oooops!  We weren’t expecting THAT!
Apparently the window just needs more caulk outside.  Caulking and replacing wallboard have now been added to the “To Do” list.


On the positive side, all the chair rail has been removed and about half the wallpaper is down.
This wall has gone from this…


to this.


And the hallway to the bedrooms has gone from this…



to this!



All the windows got measured for plantation shutters today but for now,  I just ordered the one for the bay window, since covering that window is a priority for privacy and to reduce the amount of sun (and heat) that comes in that big expanse of  glass.  The ceilings got a fresh coat of paint today too. 
Outside, things are equally busy.  The property has been mowed with a “bush hog.”  All of the overgrown plants and bushes around the house have been cleared away.  (I was absolutely adamant  nothing be left that could harbor snakes!) 
After only 2 days of use, Hubby’s new “farm tough” chain saw already died, which meant another trip back to Lowe’s to return it and get a new one!
The 4500 feet of new fencing (6,000 pounds)  has been delivered and we are waiting for the fence posts to be delivered so the fence installer can begin.  And the big barn got pressure washed today.
Slowly but surely things are happening at the house in Hooterville!


  1. Thank you for sharing your home. I am sure it will all work out soon. I live in the country too and have a well also. I have been there a few times. Your daughter is beautiful and she looks so sweet with her horse Tango. Have a nice evening. sandi

  2. So sorry about all of the surprises, but yes, they go along with any purchase of a house, unfortunately, even though it has been inspected.
    We have learned that. The inside is looking better already, though. It will be sooo nice, after. Hugs, Cindy S.

  3. Oh I looks like so much work, and your hard work is really showing. What amazing changes you are making. I can't wait to see it all finished. Hugs, Marty

  4. Oh, Poor One! So many unexpected things going on. But you're getting right to it! I know it's gonna be a lot of hard work but your home will be beautiful! Now don't work yourself too hard.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. You are making great progress inspite of all the unexpected setbacks! Hold your head high and soon you will have the coziest cottage around. Thanks for sharing your new home with us. ~Adrienne~

  6. Yikes....what were they thinking with all of that wallpaper? I know it was beautiful at the time, but I agree........I HATE the removal process. That's why I no longer do ANY wallpaper. I can't wait to see the progress on your new home.


  7. Hi Shari,
    I also have the same fear of snakes as you! I'm sure that cleaning out all the plants & bushes from around your house will help to keep those nasty things away.

    Already your home is showing many signs of progress and I look forward to all your upcoming renovation posts. TFS! Sheila

  8. Hi Shari,
    Oh my goodness, Yes I feel for you, I remember all the things we found wrong with our little home too, all the hidden and covered up things. But a least you are uncovering them now and getting all things repaired. You have already come a long way and things are looking up. Soon you will get to the fun stuff like decorating!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  9. Oh sweetie! I do so hope you don't get too many more surprises! They STINK! It will look lovely when done and Hope for a speedy transition for you!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. Shari,
    I am one with you on this. It reminds me of when we moved into our little money pit! It will be fab when it is all done.

  11. I know exactly what you mean. We went through the VA to get this home and usually their inspectors are really tough on homes, but not this one. We have to repair several things and we knew that other things needed repairs too.

    I guess in the long run we are glad that he was not that hard. The previous owners did not want to repair much and the house did not have alot of things wrong.


  12. I'm so sorry Shari, Im rolling in my chair here. Been there, done that, 21 times to be exact. Now, your probably not like me but, what I've learned is - I LOVE THE PROCESS - NOT - THE END RESULT - MOST!

    Please take lots of before and after pics and show us. I hope Lowe's isn't too farr.

    This is so exciting to me. I visit you every Wednesday with Faded Charm.

    Hug and wishes,
