Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

thanksgiving dinner 

This time last year we had just bought the house in Hooterville about 3 weeks before Thanksgiving and had a mile long list of  projects that needed to be accomplished by January 1, so we opted to save time in the kitchen by having our Thanksgiving dinner at a  buffet restaurant down the road.

We actually enjoyed the buffet’s offerings so much, we’ve decided to have our Thanksgiving meal there again this year.  My hubby’s family will be joining us.

How are you celebrating Thanksgiving this year?  Are you cooking at home, or eating out?

 Happy Thanksgiving from My Cottage of Bliss!


  1. Our Thanksgiving was the second Monday in October, so we have celebrated already. We had turkey, dressing and all of the wonderful sides that go with it. We were at my son and dil's home. But, one year my hubby and I were all alone for Thanksgiving and we went to a restaurant for our dinner and it was wonderful! I can easily see why folks would do that. It was the first Thanksgiving and the last, that I ever had off. I enjoyed it more than usual! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
    Hugs, Cindy

  2. Shari, hope you and your family have a GREAT Thanksgiving! One of my best childhood memories of Thanksgiving was one year when we all went to a restaurant!

  3. We will be going to my in laws which has been a tradition since we got married. There will be lots of food and relatives. Enjoy your day. Happy Thanksgiving.


  4. We are going to our son and daughter-in-law's beautiful, new home tomorrow. This is the first time in many years the celebration has not been at my home. I'm enjoying not having such a busy day of preparation. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend - you are among the blessings I hold dear to my heart.

  5. Shari, hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family.

  6. We are going to my MIL's for lunch and then to my mom's for dinner.
    Too much food in one day but enjoy the getting together.
    I am making an apple pie and a Nantucket cranberry pie for the first time. We'll see how it goes over.
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  7. Shari..
    all was quiet on the homefront as we relished sleeping in..
    then prepared the feast! while it cooked, I occasionally caught glimpses of TV offerings.. we sat down around 2pm...offered our blessings and enjoyed the TV..just the sounds of pleasant conversation between the two of us..Kids and their families drifted in for coffee and dessert..
    a relaxing day!
    Friday..a calm and relaxing day.. from start to finish!
    Next weekend will be the tree trimming..
    warmest sandy hugs!
    ps a GOOD vacuum is a MUST for any home!! excellent choice!
