Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I’ve Got Nothin’ But “Censational Girl” Does!

Seems like I’ve been busy as a bee but can’t really say I’ve accomplished much worth sharing here.
The laundry room at the house in Hooterville is still a work in progress but inasmuch as we had to special order some of the cabinets for the sink wall, we are at somewhat of a standstill until they come in.
I didn’t want you to think I had dropped off the face of the earth so in the meantime, if you want to see a really AWESOME laundry room makeover, go over and check out what Kate at Censational Girl did to her laundry room.  
Here’s a sneak peek…

censationalgirlPhoto source:  Censational Girl

Cute! Cute! Cute!  Yes?  The girl is seriously talented!
If you need to know more details, Kate shared the breakdown of products/sources for the makeover in this post.  


  1. Very cute girl...How are you doing have missed you...don't be a stranger my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. Great laundry room, but yours will also be really gorgeous one day. I wish I had one as large and as full of useful storage as yours has.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  3. Shari, we signed a contract on a house this week. I wrote about it on my blog.

