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“Blogging For Bliss” Book Giveaway
Some of you may know blogger, Tara Frey. And some of you may know that she has written a book called, Blogging for Bliss.
It has been a while since I’ve had a giveaway so I’d like to join the monthly giveaway party at My Romantic Home and gift one of my readers with a copy of Tara’s book.
From cover to cover, the book contains lots of good information about blogging, like the very basics of how to set up a blog, to how to make your blog and photos more visually appealing, and ways to increase traffic to your blog.
I particularly liked the section on blog etiquette.
Also, one of the things Tara mentions in the book…and I whole-heartedly agree: blog readers want to connect with you so you should consider putting your photo somewhere near the top of your sidebar where it is easy to spot. I know when I visit a new blog, I always look for the blog author’s photo and profile info FIRST, before I even read the post. It does make me feel more connected with the blogger.
Personally, I also like it when the profile gives some indication where the blogger lives. When a blogger doesn’t say where they live, I’m always wondering if they live five minutes from me…or halfway around the world. I can understand not wanting to be too specific by naming the exact city or town, but a state or area of a state or country is better than nothing. I think it’s just another way to enhance and foster a kinship and following with readers who may live in your area.
In the book, Tara has also profiled some of the best bloggers in Blogland.
So, whether you are a seasoned blogger who has been blogging for years, or whether you are contemplating starting a blog, or perhaps you are just an avid blog reader, I think you will enjoy this book.
Since I don’t like a lot of rules connected with giveaways, I am going to make this real simple. If you would like an opportunity to win this book, all you have to do is leave me a comment on this post by midnight (Eastern time) Sunday, October 18, 2009.
Easy enough, right?
You do not have to have a blog to enter this giveaway. However, if you don’t have a blog, just be sure you leave your email address in your comment so I have a way to notify you if you win. If you don’t want your email address to appear in your comment, feel free to email it to me at:
I will announce the winner on Monday, October 19, 2009.
Oh, and don’t forget to go over and sign up for Cindy’s giveaway.
Then visit all the other bloggers who are participating in this month’s giveaway. Be sure to check the comment section on Cindy’s October 12 post too because some bloggers left the links to their giveaways there before Cindy got MckLinky up.

Hi Shari,
This is my first visit to "Cottage Bliss". My name is Elizabeth from "Home is Where the Heart is".
I love your blog,I found you though Cindy at "My Romantic Home". I am going to follow so I can see all your new posts. I'll be back.
Please enter my name into your lovey giveaway.
Enjoy your day,
Hi Shari....thanks for the giveaway...I want to start a blog and don't have a clue, so this book from Tara would help..I was wondering what the book was about!!lol Thanks for putting my name in for the drawing....Linda ;)
Thanks for joining in on the giveaway party. Can I enter? I haven't got this book yet!
What a wonderful and practical giveaway, Shari...we're all going to be fighting for it! You have helped me so very much with my blogging issues, I just could not have done it without you! Of course, I want to win the book, but I know whoever it goes to will be the better blogger after reading it!
You're a sweetheart for coming up with this giveaway...God bless you!
Hi Shari..nice to meet you. I would like to win your book. I also added my name to the give away post so come on over and check me out...I have a few items you may like.
I'm greatful for finding your blog it's a true eye candy as well a fountain of information (I specially enjoy the section about furniture painting0> Thanks for the chance to win your give away gift.
I like uncomplicated giveaways the best. Looks like a great book.
What a great give away, especially for all of us newbies. I would love to win, of course, so enter my name. Hugs, Cindy S.
Hi Shari! I found you from My Romantic Home - (the link worked!)
The book you are giving away looks lovely! Please enter me! How very fun!
Thanks for sharing!!
Karen @ Some Days Are Diamonds
I'd love to win this! My daughter is new to blogging and it would be a nice gift for her! Suzie purrpage3[at]verizon[dot]net
What a perfect gift for a giveaway. I think every blogger has questions about some things and also wants to make their blog better and more interesting. Thanks for such a lovely thought. Hugs, Marty
Sounds like a wonderful book--and one I could use. Thanks! (Found you through My Romantic Home)
Hi Shari,
I love your blog and look forward to seeing what you're up to. Would also love to win a copy of Tara's new book. Linda
I've not seen or heard of this book but it certainly looks informative. I've been trying to improve my blog, toying with all sorts of template etc. It seems to be working...looking a lot better than it did when I first started, lol :o)
What a lovely book... and such an easy way to register a chance to win it! Thanks so much.
I have added you to my blog list. I am still new at blogging and could really use the help. Have not heard of this book, but it looks great. Thank you :)
Sign me up for the Giveaway... looking forward to reading Tara's blog book!
First time visiting your place from Cindy's. Sweet giveaway ~ I'd love to entered.
Kindly, ldh
What a great giveaway! The book would sure be helpful, I need all the help I can get. LOL
Irma :)
I have heard so many great comments about this book! Thank you for entering my name!
Hey girl I just got done reading this book from cover to cover great book...Hope all is well in your world my friend...Hows the house coming....may you have a great day....hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I would love to win this book! I recently started blogging with more regularity (that didn't sound too good!) and I am really getting into it! I would love to learn some pointers!
I would love to win this book! I recently started blogging with more regularity (that didn't sound too good!) and I am really getting into it! I would love to learn some pointers!
I have a copy of this book and would love a copy for a friend just starting her blog. It was very helpful. And i'm in Northern California!
Oh how exciting! I have heard of this book but have not bought it yet! Thank you for offering!
Hugs, Lisa
i would love to have this book, please enter me
Looks like a very interesting and practical giveaway, Shari.....maybe just what I need to get more interest in my blog.
Count me in!
I found you through Cindy's blog, what a beautiful blog! I have been dying to take a look at Tara's book:>) Please add my name to the give-away...and, nice to meet you!
Thanks for having a giveaway. I would love to win a copy of this book!
I would love a chance to win this book!
I would love the book .Please include me in on the give-a-way .
~Myrna Lee
I am a reader and fan and would like to be included in the drawing.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I've seen this book on many blogs, I would love a chance to win!
I have heard such great things about this book and would love a chance to win a copy! Thank you for hosting the giveaway!
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Luvkittysgiveaways at Gmail dot com
Butterfly Whispers
Hi Shari! Oh, I haven't read this book and would love for you to enter my tiny name in your give away!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I'd love to win the book, so please put my name in the drawing. I am wanting to get back into the Land of Blog, so this would be a great help to me. Blessings to you and your family and thanks for being so generous!
Well now -- this sounds like a wonderful resource -- please count me in~
What a perfect giveaway! I sure could use it. "Bliss" your heart! Count me in. I've been viewing your blog for about a month now. Your decorating taste is just awesome.
what a neat give away! I would love a chance to win. Thanks for the oportunity. I love your blog.
Hi Shari
What a great giveaway. I'd love to own that book. I have borrowed it from our local library and it is wonderful!
I would love that book- your new cottage is beautiful!
What a great giveaway! Please enter my name in your drawing.
Can't wait to see more photos of your new home. If you need help painting just let me know.
Well I'd love to win! My email is
Sounds like a great read--never thought of the picture before (oh, but I can't stand pictures of myself!) and connecting with that. Will have to think more on that one. Thanks for offering this. ; )
I hope I win!! I really am dying to read this book!!
Hi, I enjoy your blog! Please stop by for a visit soon and enter me in on the giveaway!
Thanks Michelle
I would love to win this book! I checked it out from the library, but I didn't get to finish reading it before it was due. I have it on hold again...but I know from what I did read that I would love to have my own copy. Thanks for the giveaway!
To win the book would be ever so helpful as well as FANTASTIC..
am fairly new to blogging, but always am ready to learn MORE!
ps.. am a frequent visitor to your lovely blog!!
Mountain Mermaid
thanks for sharing about the book on blogging. sounds like any blogger would have a good use for it. pls enter me in your giveaway. it'll be nice to win the book!
I would love to enter your giveaway for this book it looks like a wonderful read.Hugs,jen
What a great giveaway!
I would love to have a chance to win that bloggers book!
barbara jean
oh yes the book that i've been looking for and what a great prize for the giveaway! I would love to win this book and kindly enter me in the list! :-)
have a great week!
Oh!!!!!!I would so love to win, my first visit to your site, love it
This is my first visit! I would love to win this book, as you can see I read blogs but I don't have one, because I don't have a clue on where to begin. This is one of my new birthday goals is to join the rank of those who blogs. Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
Ooh! I've been wanting to read this book! Sadly, my library does not have it...
This book looks great! I would love a chance to win it! This is my first visit to your blog, and I love it..will be back to "see" you again soon!
I would never knew that they actually wrote a book for blogging and a pretty one at that, what a lovely giveaway. Im in the midst of coming up with a special giveaway for my bloggers too, so be sure to stop over once i announce it.
What a wonderful idea for a book! I am new to your blog, so I am off to explore. :)
Hi Shari!!!!
Oh PLEASE pick me....I'd sooo love to win this yummy book! What a wonderfully generous giveaway.
Have a wonderful week!
What perfect timing, your blog is one I found recently through another blog I visit and I saved the link. I forgot about it and was going through my favorites and clicked on it. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
thanks for sharing! love your blog!
Tara's book is lovely, and I would be delighted to own a copy! Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi Shari...
Hope this fine Wednesday is finding you well, my friend! Ooooh, I've been hearing so much about this "Blogging for Bliss" book and would love to read it! Blogging for me...has certainly opened up a whole another world...I have thoroughly enjoyed it! I've met some really sweet you! I would love to have you add my name to your giveaway pot!!!
Thank you so much, Shari...this is a fabulous giveaway gift!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
I would love to take a chance! Thanks! Pam
Please drop my name in the hat!! Thanks!
Hi Shari, I would love to be in your giveaway. The book looks wonderrful and I would love to own it. Thank you. Linda
I would love to win this book.
If I don't win the book, could I have one of your beautiful dogs?
I'd ask for Itty Bitty except my oldest kitty is still struggling with the concept of having a "new" (TWO years now) cat in the house.
I have heard so much about this book! I love books and would be thrilled to win! Thank you!
I need this book, it would be so helpful. Please enter me. Thanks.
This book would be great for me to start my new online journal!
If I had a blog I would use this book!
Hi Shari, it is so nice to meet you!
I would be so thrilled to win this book!
I have read so many great things about this book and Tara is such a sweetheart!
Please enter my name in your wonderful give away!
P.S. Come and visit...I am hosting a give away too!
This is my 1st visit and I love your blog. Lots of good readings and your furbaby's are adorable.
Please enter me!
Thank you
I gave this book as a giveaway but I didn't buy one for myself so it would be fun to win one!
Neat! I've heard this is a great book! Thanks for the chance to win.
I sure would love to have this book. Heard about it a few weeks ago. Thanks for entering me in your generous giveaway :-)
Hi Shari! I am just in the process of organizing myself to start a blog. Your generous giveaway would certainly help the process along! Please count me in!
Oh, I think that book would be wonderful. I like what you've shared and I'm sure there is SO much more.
Hi Shari!!
What a great giveaway...I've been hoping to get a copy of Tara's book...count me in!!! I am loving your Hooterville House tour, is a wonderful home just loaded with has great bones. You are going to have a BLAST decorating and foofing it...and it will be a real delight to watch the process unfold...
I'm so excited for you!!
Have a great weekend Shari!!
Hugs & Blessings,
Becky S. at Just Bee 'n Me
I missed this when you first posted it. Count me in!
Looks like this is very interesting book and I would love to win this. Please count me in :)
egateris at gmail dot com
I could certainly make that blogging book useful so please include me. I believe this is my first time visiting your blog as when I have time I just "flit" around. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Shari: What a great idea for a giveaway. I don't have a blog yet and I've been wanting to get Tara's book. Thanks for the opportunity for a chance to win!!
Looks like a great book & a fabulous giveaway!
What a beautiful blog and such a wonderful idea to help all those in "blog land"! We are following you and would love to invite you to follow and enter our blog giveaway "The Pink Present" at Shabby Cottage Shops! It's valued at $350.00 and ends on November 30! Stop by when you have a minute! Thanks so much,
Love your Blog. I have the book Blogging for Bliss but I am still having a hard time figuring out how it all works. My new blog is
I will keep following your blog.
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