Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Celebrating With a GIVEAWAY!


Winners will be announced 5/30/09.  Thanks to all who stopped by and entered.  :)


Edited on 5/28/09 to add:

Since there is still  a little more time before I draw the winners of my giveaway, and one of my giveaway prizes is a lamp, I’m participating in The Nester’s Lampapalooza event.  If you love lamps of all shapes and sizes, click on the button below to see all the other participants in this event.



Girlfriends, are you ready for a PARTY?!

It seems it is quite customary in Blogland to have a giveaway on milestone posts or blog anniversaries but before I had even hit the “publish” button on my first post, I knew I wanted to have a giveaway almost immediately to celebrate my new blog!

And since I had already decided on a giveaway, I thought it would be fun  to participate in the 3rd Annual Cottage Charm Giveaway which is being hosted by Kim at Twice Remembered. 

After you sign up for my giveaway, don’t forget to pop over to Kim’s  blog to see the entire list (and links) of all the other bloggers who are holding giveaways too. New giveaways are being added daily through May 29th so this should be quite a spectacular event!  While you are there, you might even decide you want to be a giveaway hostess too. 



So what am I giving away to celebrate this momentous occasion, you ask?

Because I’m really, REALLY, REALLY excited about finally making the decision to blog, I’ve decided to have THREE giveaway prizes/gifts.

#1:  For all you blue & white lovers out there, I’m giving away this brand new ceramic accent lamp.  It’s approximately 16 inches high.  Do you think  you can find a place in your home  for this little cutie?




#2:  And for those of you who don’t use blue  in your home, maybe you’d  like this Yankee Candle plate and jar candle topper.  Just look at the variety of  pretty colors.  There is a little blue in it but it also has spring green, pinks, corals, lavenders and yellows!   And this isn’t the small size, ladies.  Oh no, no, no!  It’s the large size to fit the larger jar candles.  (It will fit any brand of jar candle … not just Yankee Candle jars.) 



#3:  Now of course, I can’t forget my pink and shabby lovin’ sisters!  Just for you I have found a vintage, ceramic planter styled like an old-fashioned telephone.  It’s adorned with light and dark pink roses and greenery.  I think it would be adorable with a little English ivy planted in it but since ya’ll are much more gifted than I am when it comes to growing things, I’m sure you can come up with other ideas of what to plant in it.  Perhaps you really creative souls can think of another use besides a planter.  ???

In addition, I am including this Bavarian plate which is hand-painted with little pink flowers, green cascading ribbon and a touch of black accents.  So cute!



The “rules” are simple.  All you have to do is leave me a comment on this giveaway post telling me which prize you’d like to win.  Can’t decide?  No problem!  Tell me to enter you in one, two or ALL THREE drawings! 

If you don’t have a blog, you are still welcome to enter and I hope you’ll also tell all of  your blog-reading friends.  Non-bloggers, please don’t forget to leave me an email address so I can notify you if you win.

Unfortunately, due to the size and weight of these items, I will have to restrict this giveaway to those residing in the United States. 

You have until  Midnight (Eastern Time) on Friday, May 29, 2009  to enter.

The THREE giveaway winners will be announced Saturday,  May 30, 2009.

Good luck!



Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a great giveaway. All three gifts are wonderful. I would love to be entered in all three chances, any one of these beautiful items would be so lovely in my home. Very generous. Thanks. Hugs, Marty

Angie said...

Hi Shari,

Welcome to Blogland! Is that your garden of roses in the header? It is just gorgeous! Wow! I imagine the smell wafting from those beauties is amazing! I hope to persuade hubby to build me an arbor one of these those. I would love to be entered in the drawing for the blue and white lamp! I have the perfect spot for it, too! I am planning a giveaway on my blog please do stop over for a visit! I will be sure to stop and and visit you again soon.

Hugs~ Angie

sandra said...

Great gifts!!! I would be please to be entered in all three. I am new to blogging also but find I am a better reader than writer...but I'm not giving up yet...something will come to me sooner or later. Thanks.

Carla said...

Love the little lamp and the candle set. Please enter me into drawings 1 and 2!

Welcome to blogging!

Lisa said...

Thanks for the giveaway! That lamp is gorg! I love the other sets, but they don't go with the decor. :(
Please enter me into the first drawing.

Julie said...

please enter me in all three giveaways. but I have my eye on #2


The Chateau of Remnants said...

What a great give away! Very gracious of you to have 3! I would love to to be included in all 3 please!


Unknown said...

It's so hard to decide all three giveaways are great! Please enter me in all three. Warm wishes, Esther

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in all three! Any of these beautiful items would work in our new cottage home!

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

It is hard to type while jumping up and down! What a beautiful and gererous give away!
I have a little spare room whose destiny is to be the guest/desk room (mine!) It is painted yellow and white. On the walls are my blue and white plates! The lamp would be so sweet!
However, can you please enter me in all three-can't lose with any of these lovelies!
Thanks! I am very new to blogging,too!

Jingle said...

Wow! These are wonderful! I would love to win the blue lamp! It is gorgeous! I just love it!

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

Welcome to Blogworld! It's really is fun and somewhat addicting when you start doing it. You keep on thinking, "Mmmmm, I should put this in my blog." or "I must take a picture of this and put it on my blog." Have fun! Your blog is beautiful, and I will add you to my favorites list. Isn't this giveaway fun? It IS too hard to decide on ONE...please enter me in all three! Thanks for offering. ; )

Klay Kisses said...

Oh boy! You are such a tease! Welcome to Blogland! I am fairly new myself and like others, I read better than write. But, someday, I will come up with something spectacular like you just did. I love your blog and cannot decide which to choose so could you be a dear and enter me in all three? Thanks so much! I will be a follower for sure!

LukesLove said...

Oh, oh, OH! I just love the lamp! I have a perfect place! Please enter me for that and #2. Thanks for being so generous!!


Jennifer said...

Great gift! I love it!

Lolly said...

Wow, you are so generous! I can't decide, I like all three giveaways! Any one of them would be FABULOUS!!

Ladipierce said...

Well, as usual, I can't decide because they are all so pretty and I have a place for all of them. Please enter me!

Jenni B said...

Wow! These items are just so beautiful! I would love to be entered to win any of them!

Jenni B

Sonia said...

Oh, The planter phone...the planter phone....pick me, pick me....that is adorable I love it. Thank you and welcome to blogland. Visit my blog for a giveaway too.

nikkicrumpet said...

YAY WELCOME TO BLOG LAND!! It's so much fun to have more RMS'ers show up here. You're going to love it...and you're going to meet the nices people in the world. And it looks like you've done a wonderful job with your blog! Thanks for having a giveaway...I'd love to be entered in all three! Now I'm off to snoop around your place and see what else you've been up to!

Jessica said...

I just adore your blog header and the picture of your kitty!

Thank you for such a great giveaway. I have been enjoying myself visiting all these new blogs. I can't decide which giveaway of yours to enter, all of your gifts are so lovely! So please enter me in all three.

Have a wonderful weekend!

stefanie said...

how generous, please enter me.

susan said...

Welcome to Blogland. I think we must have started about the same time! I have "met" the nicest people here. That lamp would be perfect in my guest bedroom! Take a look at my last met Monday post :)

Tam said...

of course enter me in all three!!! any of these would be a lovely addition to my home.

thanks for the giveaway.

ourfamily @

Bonnie said...

Oh my...I'd love to win any of the items but I'll be honest - I'd love to win that blue and white lamp. We're re-doing our bathroom and the color is perfect, it would fit in there wonderfully! Thanks for doing this!

Laurie said...

What a generous giveaway! Your blog is very pretty, by the way. If I were to win I would like either the candle set -- because I only have a Christmas set and I need one for this time of the year -- or the last prize, because I love those old planters and that german plate is beautiful!

Be sure to enter my giveaway on my blog, too!

barbarasaintjacques said...

Love that lamp! Please enter me. I would do a hapy dance if I won.

Marilyn in NM said...

Great giveaway! I can't decide which one so please just enter me in all three.

Be sure and enter mine!

Marilyn in NM

Jill Schrader said...

I'd love a chance to win that lovely blue lamp!

Lori said...

Welcome,welcome! Oh my what lovelies! And I have never seen such a adorable little phone!!! Thanks for participating doll! Lori

Digital Misfit said...

Wonderful giveaway!
All 3 prizes are gorgeous, and I would appreciate any of them.
My absolute favorite piece is that fabulous phone planter - how unusual and lovely!

Brooke said...

Hello Shari!

Welcome to blogging!
This little lamp is so sweet and my living room and family room are both done in blues (it's my favorite color)! I have a little tea light candle holder that looks just like this lamp! Your itty bitty kitty and doggies are so sweet! ;-)

Thank you for your kindness and have a lovely Sunday!


Sue Cahill said...

Oh My, how lovely your giveaway is!

I would love to be entered in Giveaway #1 and #2.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sharon said...

Hi, Thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway. All of the prizes are great but I would have to say that I love the phone planter the best. Thanks again :)


Kammy said...

Hi !
Love your site and those give aways are fab ! I can't choose which one I like the best - love your style !
Hugs ~ Kammy

valerie2350 said...

would be happy with any of the prizes, but...

first choice is #1
second choice #2
third choice #3


Anonymous said...

Love your header! Are these your roses?

I love all three of your sweet giveaways! please enter me in all!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, all three prizes are fantastic. It is so hard to choose. I'd love to be entered in all three of them as my rooms are all different in color. But it will be fun to choose. I'd like the 3rd as I love planters. Please just sign me up for what you would like to sign me up for. How fun. Thank you.


Susie Q said... incredibly generous. May I please be entered in the first two? The lamp and the candle topper? I've never seen that pattern before and it's lovely!

Tina said...

shari, What a terrific give away. Pleas sign me up for either the blue & white lamp and the Yankee Candle plate and topper. Thanks, Tina (

Donna said...

I love the blue and white lamp.
And I love your new blog! Please ad me to the list of hopeful bloggers. :)

windycindy said...

Beat wishes with your new blog!
Your daughter and her horse are sweet together! I also love your pets. I would be a happy camper
to win any of your delightful
prize giveaways! Please enter
my name in your delightful contest.
Many thanks, Cindi

Michele said...

Welcome to the world of blogging!!! You are offering such awesome giveaway gifts!!! I would like to be entered in all three since I can't make up my mind which I like best, LOL!! I hope you enjoy blogging!

Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

Kelly said...

What a very generous giveaway. I'd love to be entered in all three.

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Decisions decisions....
I think the candle cover would be perfect for our home and since I do love to burn candles I'd use it alot!

Love your roses...breath taking!


Anonymous said...

All of the choices are so sweet!! I would love to win any of them Thanks.

Helen said...

Everything you have on offer is just so gorgeous, but I especially love the floral candle plate set. I haven't seen anything quite like them here in Australia.

Nonie said...

Beautiful! enter me in all three.

Robin ~ Linton Cottage said...

OH my, I just have to enter all three!!! Such beautiful things!!


Decor To Adore said...

Oh how indulgent! I have to have all three! :)

This is a great giveaway!

I hope you will stop by and enter mine as well.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Please enter me in all three.

Megan said...

I love the lamp, it looks perfect for the kitchen counter or in the bathroom!

Shirl said...

Hi Shari, I came back to show my husband your beautiful Shepherds and found your giveaway. Please enter me in all three of your drawings. I love each one and could use anyone of them!
Have a great weekend!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage

Ginny said...

Tough choice, I like them all but really loving the lamp. Our lamp just broke too, how funny. This would be great for our end table!

Kathleen W. said...

Wow, what a generous giveaway! You have such a charming little blog and I love your photography and also the recent guest room makeover. It looks fabulous!

I really love that lamp, and can definitely see that fitting in with my decor. I imagine it would look lovely in my craft/guest room.

Thank you for the chance!

Marie said...

Thank you for the chance to win one of your pretty giveaways - please enter me for all three as I cannot possibly decide. They are all great!

Chiki Cottage said...

WOW!! Yeah Im one of those that cant decide. I love all three choices. Enter me to all three and I will be lucky to win any of the three. Thanks so much!

Liz at the Shabby Chiki Cottage

Jen**SugaredSongbird** said...

What a generous person you are- the lamp is simply elegant! Thanks for entering me!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

this is awesome! very nice of you.. I would love to win, and kindly add me in all your giveaway!.. i shall cross my fingers! :-)

Gossamer Creations said...

What a wonderful giveway… please enter me. Have a wonderful day.

Barbara Jean said...

If i had to choose, i would choose number three. Any of them would be wonderful though./

barbara jean

Anonymous said...

Hi, Shari, I'm Holly! I think I must be a Pink girl! Thanks! ♥

dctm said...

I love all three of these giveaways,,so I can't decide - enter me in all three!

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Wendy said...

I like #1 and #3 - THANK YOU! And I just had to mention, I love the photos of your gorgeous german shepherds which immediately caught my eye. I am also owned by a shepherd :)

caribousmom (at) gmail (dot) com

sashagirl said...

What sweet and pretty gifts! They are all so sweet but #3 is my style! I love your dogs, so precious! Have a great day!
Milli (sashagirl on flickr)


#2 & #3 are my favorites. :o)

My Shabby Rose Cottage said...

The Bavarian plate is my fave!!!

Please count me in.

I have a giveaway as sign up if you'd like to.

Warm Hugs,

Rhondi said...

Hi SHari
I definitely am a blue and white girl. If you visit my blog you'll see that! I'd love to win the lamp. It would feel right at home with me!
Hugs, Rhondi

Andrea said...

So pretty!
Please enter me in!

A Lovely Thing said...

Love that yankee candle set. I have just the candle jar to fit it I think.

Please enter me.

And if you haven't made the rounds yet, be sure to pop over to to enter my giveaway.


enter me please ~!!!The lamp!

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

If I would be so lucky to win, I would love the cute little lamp! Thanks for the chances to win these great giveaways.

sp said...

I would love the blue and white lamp! I have just completed a redo of my guest bedroom and it would look "brilliant". Thank you, Sandra

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

They are all very pretty! I would love to be entered in for #1. Thanks for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Debb said...

I would love to win the Yankee Plate and candle topper... #2... thanks so much... debb

Debb said...

I would love to win the Yankee Plate and candle topper... #2... thanks so much... debb

Jean said...

All are great, but the lamp is so pretty. Please enter me and havea great day.
Jean in Virginia

Alyssa said...

I need (want) the lamp!

Elisabeth said...

Love the blue lamp!


zees5 said...

Please enter me in #3 and #2. It's hard to decide which I like best, but number 3 is just darling and I know just where I would put it. I love butterflies 2, I mean too - ha!

Nancy M said...

Yankee Candle plate and jar candle topper is my favorite and is a generous give away. I came here from Kim's Daisy Cottage and I will come back.
Thank you, Nancy M.

Vintage Sandy said...

All the items are really nice but, I'd love to win the ceramic telephone & plate thanks,

Peggy said...

I love the candle set but my 13yr old daughter is collecting vintage phones...oh what to do. Enter me in both and I won't tell her if she doesn't win.

Carolyn White said...

Enter me in all three - I am feeling lucky tonight!

carolynishis said...

WOW!What great prizes.Please enter me for all three.I follow your blog as carolynishis

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway. Please enter my name in the drawing for #1 and #2. Thanks for participating in the fun. Debbi

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love the blue and white lamp! I am in the middle of a living room redo and the lamp would be PERFECT! Please enter me in the drawing for the blue and white lamp. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What fabulous goodies!! enter me in all 3, I just love surprises!

Carol Terry said...

What a wonderful contest! I would love to be entered in the drawing for the beautiful blue and white lamp!
Thank you!

Carol Terry

wendy smedley said...

wow, you are so generous with your giveaways, i for one would like to be entered to win the blue and white lamp
THanks for sharing

Neverfinished said...

what a wonderful giveaway! I just found your blog and I'm off to read more! please enter me in your giveaway..that lamp is SO awesome!!

sweetmemorymakingmom said...

I would love to win any of the three prizes. I can invision them all in my home! hugs, Ellen

Debra said...

Wow, Beautiful gifts you are giving away. Your family must be spoiled around the holidays.
Please count me in for the lamp.

You can go to my blog and enter to win, if you haven't already.

Tammigirl said...

OH my gosh! Please enter me in giveaway #2 and enter me in #3 as well!

Tia said...

Oh it is all too good! How perfect are your giveaways? LOVE! :o)

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful blog.


Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Wow, What lovely items. Please enter me in all.

Hugs :)


Anonymous said...

I can't decide! Enter me in all three! Thanks for the chance!

Deb611 said...

Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.

Arlene said...

Please enter me in your fabulous drawing. Thanks a bunch!!!

Sarah said...

Please enter me in the drawing for your beautiful lamp. So pretty!!

Honeysuckle said...

Very nice! I would love the Yankee candle holder set!