Disclaimer: This post is a rant and it doesn’t contain any pretty pictures. Sorry.
I am furious!
Remember how apprehensive I was about buying a front loading washer?
Instead of listening to that little voice in my head, I did it anyway.
In January, I decided to buy a matching front loading Samsung washer (model #WF409ANW) and dryer from hhgregg, an appliance/electronics chain with stores all through the eastern part of the United States.
To make a very long story short…after only 2 1/2 months, the washer started shutting down in mid cycle and flashing a “no fill” error code.
The first factory authorized service technician who came out couldn’t find anything wrong. As soon as he left, I put in a load of clothes and the washer shut down in mid cycle and flashed the error code.
I immediately called to try to get another technician to come out but had to wait 4 more days. The second technician couldn’t get the machine to duplicate the problem I was having with it either but he said it definitely wasn’t filling with enough water. He suggested replacing the “valves” inside the machine since it was still under warranty but he also added that the new valves may, or may not, correct the problem. Naturally, he didn’t have the necessary parts on the truck. They would have to be ordered and it would take 7 to 10 days.
In the meantime, I went back to the hhgregg store to personally speak with a manager about my displeasure over having a washing machine that has already required 2 service calls and new parts in less than 3 months. I asked about getting the washer replaced and the sales manager said he would forward my case up to “corporate,” who in turn would take it up with the manufacturer, Samsung, and someone would get back to me within 48 hours.
Of course, five days after the 48 hours had passed, I was still waiting to hear if/how they were going to resolve this.
I tried to call the hhgregg sales manager I had spoken to in the store and was told he was in Pennsylvania opening a new store. (Does anyone besides me think maybe he should be minding his own store, taking care of his own (unhappy) customers, instead of out-of-state opening a new store?)
Then I asked to speak with the general manager. He told me Samsung has refused to replace the washer. Hhgregg only has a 14 day return policy so the general manager suggested I go ahead and have the parts replaced and if that solves the problem, the machine should give me “many years of trouble-free service.”
Why am I skeptical that a new washing machine that is already requiring service calls and replacement of parts less than 90 days after purchase will provide years of trouble-free service?
Of course, I’m not happy but what choice do I have?
So, do you want to hear the best part?
The authorized service center calls to tell me, “The parts are not available. We are researching to see if we can find them through other vendors.”
So typical…
Sell the (expensive) product and then leave the customer high and dry when there is a problem.
Doesn’t anybody build a quality product anymore, stand behind it if it doesn’t perform up to reasonable expectations, and provide TRUE customer service?
Between the washer, dryer, the special installation hose kits (which are an extra charge), the extended warranties and sales tax, this was a $2100.00 purchase. That is a significant amount of money to me!
Boo to you Samsung!
And boo to you too hhgregg!

Within the next few months, we are going to be starting the kitchen remodel at the house in Hooterville. We are planning to replace all of the appliances.
Can you guess which two companies definitely WON’T be getting my business?
***UPDATE: You can read about the outcome of this situation HERE.