Recently I mentioned some improvements have been taking place on the Craigslist barn, including the addition of a bathroom back in that alcove on the right.
The bathroom is FINISHED and, weird or not, I’m excited about it!
This will be a huge convenience to our boarders. For the past 11 months, the boarders ( and workmen, for that matter) have had to come up to the house, or go to Daughter’s house, if “nature” called. I always worried some might just attempt to “hold it” rather than impose by asking to use our bathrooms. Now there is no need for anyone to be uncomfortable while trying to spend time enjoying their horse.
If you don’t count the construction…
and the overall barn concrete project…
and the plumber…
and the cost of putting in a septic tank…
I actually spent less than $10.00 to “furnish” this bathroom! I only had to buy the black trash can and the wall-mounted toilet paper holder. Everything else we already had.
The arched, beveled mirror hung over my daughter’s dresser when she lived at home.
The light fixture, toilet and pedestal sink came from here. The pedestal sink looks a whole lot better in here than it did where it was!
This cute horse print was in my daughter’s room when she was a little girl. I simply took it out of its original skinny, light wood frame and remounted it into this chunkier black frame I already had so it would pop against the light walls.
Someone gave my daughter this other horse print a few years back and I bought the paper towel rack a long time ago for something and ended up not using it. (Maybe I should spray it black?)
The bucket was a green St. Patrick bucket that was decorated in shamrocks and had “Pail of Ale” written on the side. I found it at Goodwill several years ago for a couple bucks and it was a “pending” project that I never got to. I decided to abandon my original idea for it, sprayed it black and put it to work holding extra rolls of TP.

I think at some point we are going to have to make a decision about staining or painting the concrete floor, as well as the T1-11 plywood we used on the walls. However, those are projects for another day. My main goal for now was getting the bathroom usable.
So there you have it…the barn bathroom that has me doing the happy dance!
It’s not fancy but it’s sure better than some of the barn bathrooms I’ve had to use over the past 19 years since my daughter first started riding horses. A few of them were little more than an outhouse. (ick)
And speaking of bathrooms…the renovation on this bathroom is scheduled to start the Monday after Christmas. I’m also excited to see how that all comes together.